An Introduction…

I write a lot about suburban farming, cooking and chickens, but something else that is a integral part of my everyday life is living frugally. For us it has become a life style, but it hasn’t always easy to make some of the choices that I have. When I was single, I had a very healthy income. Most weeks, I worked 16 hours a day at between 3 and 7 different jobs. I had few responsibilities beyond my mortgage and utilities, so I was also able to play hard. When some exotic destination struck my fancy, I would jet set for a few days or a week and then return refreshed and ready to get my hands dirty again (so to speak).

Long gone are those days, over a decade has passed, I was married and divorced (although I retained custody of my ex-husband, but that is a story for another day) and now I am remarried. The three of us live here is relative harmony now, sharing the finances and responsibilities. Together we make enough to get by, but when I got Lyme disease 5 years ago, it took away MY ability to make a comfortable income. I had to start looking for ways to conserve and save money by making smarter choices. We slowly began to incorporate small changes to our every day lives that ultimately had a very dramatic impact. I focused on money saving tips and trick, but many of them had a side benefit of making our lives a little healthier. Today, we own our home, in took just 8.5 short years (21.5 years early) and our diet is largely non-packaged, non-processed foods.
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Many people ask me about techniques I have used over the years, so I wanted to put together a page to help others get started on a more frugal path. The following list will grow as I have time to write. Ladies, if you are having trouble getting your fellas to accept changes, Check out Change is Possible – Baby Steps for a little insight for you, maybe it will help.

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