Healthy at Hand

Convenience Reinvisioned

Convenience is a wonderful thing. Convenience foods on the other hand have a few drawbacks. First of all, they are generally more expensive that the components that go into them. They are rarely fresh and in fact most convenience foods are highly processed and laden with preservatives and other chemicals that may not be particularly healthy. But what about the “fresh” fruit and vegetable packages available in groceries and quick-stops and mini-marts? They’re fresh, right? The unfortunate reality is that although they look like the same fruits and vegetables that you cut up at home, they are washed with solutions that preserve them. It doesn’t sound like a big deal, how bad could a little veggie wash be?

I thought the same thing until I found out that I had an allergy to Sulfur. No, not the kind of allergy that half the country thinks they have to the sulfites in wine (which is not really a sulfur issue, is the protein pectin that give most people a headache after drinking read wine, but again I digress), I actually have an true allergy, one that causes blinding abdominal pain, migraines and in the right concentrations visual hallucinations. So what does that mean to my diet? Well, it means I can’t have garlic anymore. (insert big sad face here) Eggs are a big problem, onions, most dried fruits (they are sulfured to dry them) and the list goes on. I can tolerate things like cruciferous vegetables in moderate quantities though. It has been a long process of discovery to find what I can eat and what my body simply does not tolerate. One of the biggest surprises though was that most frozen fruits and vegetables are sulfured to preserve them. Who would have thought!! I can’t say that my life has been diminished by my issue with sulfur, but it has certainly made me aware of everything that I consume. My awareness has had the consequence of my family gaining heightened awareness too. Mostly because they are a captive audience and have to listen to me.

So here are some things that I have done to create Healthy on Hand foods for my family. As a side benefit, both men WILL eat a salad a day and a bag of fresh veggies if they are put in their lunch bag. Assuming there is acceptable dressing and dip, but again…pick your battles. There are a lot of healthy dressings available (assuming you don’t make your own) and dip can be nutritious if made with greek yogurt and yummy herbs.

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Fruit Yogurt Bowls

Nutty Snack Bags

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